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CUSHCRAFT ARX-2B 2 Meter Ringo Ranger II 135 - 170 MHz Vertical 14 Feet Tall 1000 Watts SO239

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Product Description


Ringo Ranger II


The Ringo Ranger II has more gain, less windload, and more mechanical integrity than other two meter antennas. You’ll quickly appreciate the benefits of this amazing antenna! Based on the original W1BX Ringo, the Ringo Ranger II is the latest design featuring three ⅝ wave radiating elements and an adjustable ⅛ wave phasing stub. The result is a very low angle of radiation over your coverage area. The Ringo Ranger II has built-in lightning protection, UV-stabilized insulators, heavy wall tubing, improved decoupling radials to eliminate feedline radiation, and all-weather performance.

2M vertical antenna with three stacked 5/8-wavelength collinear elements, and an 1/8th wave phasing stub w/ counterpoise.





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