While Supplies Last Get this Free Mystery shortwave Radio with any purchase over $100. You must add this item to your order to qualify. If it is not added, you will not receive it. If your order is not over $100, you will not receive it.Oder must be placed online. Order must be placed after 10:00AM Central time 3-1-25. Only 50 radios available to start. If you are seeing this we still have some left. Free radio must ship at the same time as other products and must ship to same address. Offer good on in stock purchases only that can ship immediately. Not valid on out of stock,or back ordered products. Not valid on purchase for Icom ID-52A any model, ID-50A, IC-905, IC7100, IC-705, IC7300, IC-7610, IC-9700,718, 7760, 2730B, or IC-7100 unless your order contain $100 of other merchandise